

It is simply a fact that a spiritually-grounded decision is a better decision.

Leaders - in business, education, the military - are charged with a profound ethical, moral responsibility, which is the care of the lives of all the people for whom their decisions make a daily impact. We know from MRI studies that multiple regions of the brain are involved in awakened awareness. Engaging the spiritual brain allows us to draw on multiple forms of knowing in decision-making, including discernment, perception, and multiple perspective-taking. Decisions made with the spiritual brain are far more attuned to evidence, far more cognizant of the implications of the choice on all parties involved, and far more part of the interwoven fabric of life that can promote collective flourishing. By far, the most life-giving, positive, constructive, and even lucrative decision is the spiritually based decision, to the benefit of all people involved.

Helping leaders develop awakened awareness is one of our top missions. SMBI works with leaders in the U.S. Army and in business who are seeking to make spiritually-grounded decision-making part of their way of proceeding.

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