Mental Health & Faith-Based Collaborations

Mental Health: Faith-Based & Community Collaborations


Innovating Forward Certification is a dynamic 6‑week program designed for faith‐based lay and community leaders. This initiative offers an opportunity to integrate spirituality with mental health in community projects, learn from organizations that are already making an impact, and connect with like‑minded peers. Upon successful completion, participants become eligible to apply for Innovating Forward SEED Grants—sponsored by the Spiritual Mind Body Institute at Columbia University Teachers College, with support from The John Templeton Foundation. Take the next step in strengthening your community—enroll today!  RSVP 



Innovating Forward seed grants support collaborative initiatives between faith-based organizations and mental health providers. Grants are offered through the Spiritual Mind Body Institute at Columbia University, Teachers College, with generous funding from The John Templeton Foundation. The initiatives we fund are those which address an observed local need through integrated spiritual and mental health initiatives. The specific approaches vary widely, and creativity is encouraged. Innovating Forward is a cohort model, through which we provide partnership grantees with funding and on-going support over the course of one year.

For more information about Innovating Forward, please contact Yoel Paredes  at

Innovating Forward Initiative 2025-2026

These seed grants began following a collaboration between Dr. Lisa Miller and Shannon Royce, J.D., then Director of the Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, who co-hosted an exciting series of webinars in Fall 2020.

The Spirituality and Mental Health webinar series highlighted how these two areas of study and their respective practitioners can work together to identify new opportunities for collaboration between local faith leaders and mental health practitioners.

Links to watch the recorded webinars are provided below -- please click on the date before each webinar title to see the recorded session. 


Sept. 29, 2020 — Spirituality & Treatment: Systemic Treatment Models Bridging Faith & Mental Health Professionals

Oct. 13, 2020 — Spirituality & Post-Traumatic Growth: Spirituality as Catalyst for Resilience

Oct. 27, 2020 — Spirituality & Severe Mental Illness: Questions of Recovery versus Purposeful Renewal

Nov. 10, 2020 — Spirituality & the Life-time Course of Mental Illness: Support for Patients, Caregivers, & Family by the Faith Community

Nov. 19, 2020 — Spirituality & Relationships: Contributions to Faith & Forgiveness in Recovery

Dec. 8, 2020 — Spirituality & Community-wide Crisis: Building Systems to Support Connection & Recovery

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