Integrative Project

Integrative Project (IP)

Jill Campbell, MA
Integrative Project Instructor

Jill Campbell is the Integrative Project Instructor for MA Psychology in Education students with an Area of Focus in Spirituality Mind Body Practices. Jill will serve as a sounding board to help you think creatively and critically about what you want to research and what type of project to seek out. You are welcome to email Jill Campbell ( or set up a meeting with Jill to discuss any of the following about your IP: topic acceptability; topic feasibility; sponsor choice consultation; format choice; progress checks; graduation planning; and submission planning.

For additional assistance with the writing process, please visit the Graduate Student Writing Center.


Integrative Project Guidelines

The Integrative Project Guidelines include information regarding IP topic selection, sponsorship, deadlines, submission protocol, suggested timelines and checklists, and more. Please access the IP Guidelines document below.

Guidelines for Integrative Project

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